February 9, 2018

Okay, so not all products and services are cool digital apps or devices that can pretty much sell themselves.

Many companies today still need to get down and dirty (so to speak) in their advertising and marketing approach, because they fill basic human needs and functions, like eating and drinking, and eliminating bodily wastes.

In this particular article we will address one of these bio-functions, namely bodily perspiration, or the common term we all use: “sweat.”

It’s a given that most people don’t really mind perspiring when they work outside or play, but when folks are just going about their daily activities, well sweating in public can be an embarrassing problem, sending people scurrying for all kinds of remedies, such as antiperspirants or medications.

Our client, Thompson Tee came to Sparkhouse  with their marketing challenge of how to best explain how their unique, patented tee shirts and undershirts can actually eliminate, you guessed it... sweating under the arms. Thompson Tee Shirts are patented, using a unique fabric stitching and layering technology, and have been featured on the popular TV show “Shark Tank.”

Thompson Tee wanted us to create a cool product video that revealed how their T-shirt line stops sweat and also connect with the audience in an entertaining and meaningful way. The video needed to do extra work in that it also had to enhance the brand as well as to increase sales.

The creative team at Sparkhouse sat down with Thompson Tee executives to get more input and brainstorm ideas.

It was decided to use the power of video to actually highlight everyday situations where people sweat and how the Thompson Tee product eliminates embarrassing situations from occurring by blocking sweat instead of a straight explanation about the wonders of the fabric.

After the discovery session, Sparkhouse proposed that if would be fun to just show the different scenarios where sweating can become a negative factor in interacting with other people and situations.

The creative group selected the following scenarios for the short video:

  • Job Interview
  • Business Presentation
  • First Date
  • Wedding Day
  • 1st Day of College

But, there was also a budget issued to deal with, as these situations would require multiple locations and camera setups, estimated to cost more than the client wanted to spend.

The Sparkhouse creative team solved the problem by coming up with a visually exciting film style that allowed for all of the scenes to be filmed on one minimalistic and stylized studio set.  

[gallery size="large" ids="6392,6393,6394,6395,6396"]

That meant all of the scenes could be shot in a single production day and even the actors and extras could be repurposed for multiple scenes and takes, allowing for greater creativity.

Another video production challenge was that since the product is an undershirt and hidden below clothing, how do you detail the Hydro-Shield technology and function?

Again Sparkhouse came up with a creative and cost saving solution by using a stylized green screen card that the video host was able to utilize in order to mimic an “x ray vision” ability which showed what was happening underneath the exterior clothing.

The result was a fun video that hit all the beats the client wanted to cover, was produced on time and on budget, and helped increase awareness and sales.

The entertaining nature of the video also helped in its ability to be posted and shared on social media and other digital marketing channels improving the ROI.

You can see the finished video :

If you are interested in how the power of video can benefit your organization, contact Sparkhouse to explore a world of possibilities.

BTS Video of shoot: